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Little known useful websites

Bored with your browsing?

The internet is a weird and wonderful place. There are a multitude of useful websites offering a range of services and entertainment. Many of these sites, however, remain undiscovered. Just think – the site with the answer to all your problems could be at your fingertips – you just need to know where to look!

In order to make your life a little easier,  Buzzfeed has compiled a list of useful websites that are somewhat obscure. We have picked out some of the top ones we find most useful. Who knows? You might find the solution you’ve been searching for.

Useful websites you’ve never heard of

  • Perfect Printing: Tired of your printed webpages coming out cluttered? Enter This useful website formats pages; removing unnecessary articles and ads helping to save ink, paper and the environment!Print Friendly helps you to easily print out webpage
  • Word Frequency Counter: Think you might be repeating yourself? has a handy page that allows you to paste text and calculate how often a certain word is used. No more sounding like a stuck record.
  • Duration Calculator: Need to know exactly how many seconds have passed since you last went on holiday? The Duration Calculator has the answer! This useful website calculates exactly how much time has passed since two dates. Never miss your 500 day anniversary again!
  • Website Downtime Checker: Is the site down? Or is just you? When the paranoia gets too much to handle, check out It identifies whether your problems are due to website maintenance, or if it’s personal!
  • Self Destructing Email: Want to give out your email, but scared you’ll get spammed? Feel like a spy with Simply create an email address, sign up for whatever you need to, and relax! Your email will self destruct 10 minutes after creation!
  • How to use CSS3 animations to improve UI & UX of a website: Looking to improve your website user experience with animations?  A lot of progress has been made with internet animations. provides you with an online resource to create unobtrusive animations that will enhance your user encounter on a subliminal level.
  • CSS3 Intro, Guides & Resources: Want to learn CSS, but not too sure where to start? This online resource guide on provides a basic introduction to what CSS is, what it is capable of, as well as the features rolled out in CSS3.

Happy browsing and safe internet travels!


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